Gatherings and Events

Here in Alabama, we gather as Scots to hear the pipes, show the tartan, and gather regularly as friends and family. Many of our various gatherings are annual events, but we also find other excuses to get together to “Kilt Up.”
The Saint Andrew’s Society of The Middle South holds major events throughout the year. While some are for members only, most involve family and friends.OTHER EVENTS
As opportunities arise throughout the year, other gatherings are likely to be scheduled, including:
- Burns Night
- Dove Hunts
- Highland Games at Stone Mountain and Grandfather Mountain
- Group trips to Scotland
A KILTY HOUR is a great excuse for members to Kilt Up and gather at a local watering hole to raise a glass to each other.
Now, a Kilty Hour may be “Sanctioned”, which means they may be scheduled with advance notice, usually by the Society President. Or, when the weather is right and the planets are aligned, our MOIKH may call for an “Impromptu” Kilty Hour which is usually given only a couple of days notice.
There are several expectations at a Kilty Hour:
1. Have a good time.
2. Enjoy each other’s company.
3. Friends, gawkers, and/or a spouse are welcome.
As explained by our MOIKH:
At an OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED KILTY HOUR EVENT, kilts are highly recommended, and attendance is required for those members wishing to get their ticket punched. (Any unfortunate lad who shows up un-kilted will be bleak, when he witnesses the endearing attention bestowed upon his kilted brethren by the attentive wait staff, ordinary patrons, and housewives).

Minister of Impromptu Kilty Hours