Qualifications for Membership

The Saint Andrew’s Society of the Middle South is a private organization that promotes Scottish culture primarily through our support of the Ian Sturrock Memorial Pipe Band. Members must provide proof of a direct ancestral relationship to a Scottish family. All genealogical submissions are reviewed by the Society’s genealogist.
Potential members may be considered only after being nominated by a current member in good standing. If you have been so nominated, please fill in the “Proposed Member Form” accessible below. If you are the son, grandson, blood brother, or blood nephew of a current or former member, fill in the “Short Form”. IMPORTANT Both forms are fillable on the computer and may be printed out after completion.
If the Nomination for Membership is approved, the nominee must provide the Genealogist proof of Scottish ancestry. The fillable PDF form below may be downloaded to your device, completed, and emailed to the Society along with the enrollment fee.
The Process
Be Proposed
Be proposed for membership by a current member.
Complete Form
Complete Proposed Membership Form and submit to your sponsor. The application will be reviewed at the next Board Meeting.
If approved by the Membership Committee, submit the Genealogy Form and Application Fee to the Genealogist.
If approved by the Genealogist, you will receive a letter of welcome, Membership Number, and notification of dues.